What is Transponder Maker

Transponder Maker Pro (also known as TMPro keymaker or TMPro keymaker) are softwares for transponder key making,transponder key programming,transponder key copying and PIN code/security code calculating. Protection programmer is small box, which have to be connected to free PC USB port.Software user interface supports 10 languages - Bulgarian,English,French,Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Serbian, Italian and Czech.They are simply to use and offer wide range of softwares that supports various immoboxes and keys.
All softwares are auto-updateable to latest version available on server.At start of software it checks if there is new version released.If released,software automatically updates itselfs,this way you always run latest versions.
TMPro softwares are designed to help in locksmith`s job.

TMPro are organized as modular softwares. This means that every supported immobox is separate specific software module. At beginning you can get programmer for free and pay for only one specific software module. In future you can add new softwares by simple software purchasing system.

TMPro works with immobilisers eeprom dumps.
You must have electronic knowledges and to know how to use soldering-desoldering tools and memory devices programmers.It is your choice what programmer you will use for reading memory devices. I do not add to set or sell any eeprom or MCU programmers.In order to use TMPro you have to remove immobox or BSI/UCH unit from car,open it, desolder and read specific memory device, which contain needed key information.Safe eeprom area into BIN or EEP format. Then solder back memory device, reassemble immobox and fit back to car.
Use saved file with TMPro to program transponder.In information box is shown type of memory device and what is correct lenght of readed file.Depending of immobox it may be serial eeprom, Motorola MCU or Texas Instruments MCU.
You can use any proper programmer to read data from it. TMPro works only with BIN or EEP files. It automatically recognises immobox by opening eeprom file of it.
For modules, which use serial eeprom 93cXX software automatically recognises if dump is readed correctly (x8 or x16), and if needed, swap bytes. If file is of known size and type, software automatically goes to correct module. If file size or type is not recognised, software not goes to desired module. Anyway if file size is known, you still can program transponder, but in this case written transponder is possible not to contain proper data to start car.

TMPro uses 7 types of transponders. In information box below module picture is shown what transponder have to be used with selected module.
Used types are:
- Sokymat Nova, also known as Silca T5 or JMA TP05.
- Philips PCF 7935. You can use also Silca T15 or JMA TP14.
- Philips PCF 7936. You can use also Silca T14 or JMA TP12.
- Sokymat Magic, also known as Megamos Crypto.You can use also Silca T6 or JMA TP08.
- JMA TPX1 or Errebi TX1
- JMA TPX2 or Errebi TX2 or china 4D clonable transponder
- Texas DST, also known as Texas Crypto or Silca 4D-60 - JMA TP06/TP19
- JMA TPX3/TPX4 or Errebi TX4/TX4A