Install Hardware

Installation is very easy in 3 steps.
1Download main software and USB drivers and unarchive them in any folder.
2Connect programmer to USB port of computer using USB A-B cable (not in set).
3When Windows asks for drivers, SHOW him folder with unarchived drivers.
Ignore installation of COM port. After finishing start TMPro.exe software. In status bar at left down you have to see: No file is loaded. Your programmer is ready for use. If you run TMPro.exe BEFORE installing of drivers,you may face error. If you see "Hardware NOT found", this means that something with driver installation is wrong. Restart PC and try again with installation. You can check if installation is good - in Device Manager - USB devices - you have to find "Transponder Maker Pro 2".
Windows 8 users: You must disable driver signature enforcement (see video).
PRICE LIST - click on this link
To order specific software modules, send an e-mail to:
Delivery of programmer by ordinary mail in the UK is free of charge.